Know before you go - risks of dengue in your destination

The risks of getting dengue vary according to country and time of year. Before you travel, we recommend that you stay informed about the area-specific risks in your destination. These are some useful websites to learn about recent local information for your country.


Mosquito spread


Dengue is spread by types of mosquito called Aedes that are mainly found in warm and humid parts of the world.1

Figure adapted from: Leta S, et al. Int J Infect Dis. 2017; 27: Fig 1. 

Dengue information

Dengue outbreaks occur periodically in endemic regions. They tend to have seasonal patterns, and often peak around rainy seasons.2

To learn more in real time about dengue outbreaks around the world, access the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ‘Areas with risk of dengue’ list:

CDC Dengue Around the World

Surveillance data

Access more surveillance data on dengue from the World Health Organization to see the distribution reported dengue cases around the world.

WHO Surveillance - Dengue

CDC Dengue Around the World


1. Leta S, Beyene TJ, De Clercq EM, Amenu K, Kraemer MUG, Revie CW. Global risk mapping for major diseases transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Int J Infect Dis. 2018;67:25-35.
